Wednesday, 3 November 2010

I have received the travel details and now know I travel out on the 9th December. Slightly later than originally thought.
I then have 4 days training in Les Arc's at end of which I find out where I am going to be working the season. Then with another 4 days off local acclimatisation before the first guests arrive.

So another five weeks before I ski in anger :)

I must admit that it has now hit me that this is happening, it is real and no longer a dream.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Had a great NEC ski show, lots of hello's and thanks. I spoke to my season employer and will be getting a confirm email later this week but I asked to go out on the 2nd Dec.

I still don't know where I am off as they asked me to keep it open as they get people dropping out and I can then fill the hole. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours etc.